A Platform for Pheozon to share LOVE with Beloved Friends and Fans.


Saturday, December 18, 2010


不過,台灣屏東近年來常在大雨過後,發現金錢樹疫病(Phytophthora nicotianae)為害,病徵多從莖(葉柄)基部出現水浸狀深色開始,發病處軟腐,基部有菌絲生長。塊根會在發病後期消失,只留下表皮,小葉開始變黃萎凋,最後整株倒伏死亡。
虎尾蘭(Snake Plant),屬百合目假葉樹科多年生常綠植物,也有學者把它歸類為天門冬目龍舌蘭科Agavaceae。
虎尾蘭的葉面有許多深綠色寬橫條斑紋,看起來像老虎尾巴,故名虎尾蘭,亦因葉邊鋒利,又名“岳母舌”(Mother-in-law's tongue)。虎尾蘭可吸收空氣中的有害氣體如苯和三氯乙烯,是天然的空氣淨化器,一盆虎尾蘭就能淨化10平方公尺的空氣。

Sourced: 光明日報‧2008.06.21  


Tuesday, December 7, 2010

Facebook will be Banned in Malaysia?

KANGAR, Dec 6 — Umno Supreme Council member Datuk Seri Dr Shahidan Kassim today called for the blocking of the Facebook social networking website if its contents continue to pose a threat to national security. He said a Facebook account holder was found to have taken advantage of the technology to insult Islam and leaders of Malaysia.
“If the website content poses a threat to national security and insults Islam, then it is unnecessary to have Facebook,” he told reporters after accompanying Perlis Facebook Association committee members to lodge a report at the Kangar police station on the insults hurled at Prime Minister Seri Najib Razak and former prime minister Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad on a Facebook page.
The report was lodged by the association’s deputy president, Mohd Faizuddin Ismail, at about 5.30 pm.
Shahidan said a report would also be lodged at the State Islamic Religious Department as the holder of the Facebook account had also insulted Islam, and added that the insults hurled at Najib and Mahathir were discovered by a member of the association on November 29.
Shahidan, who is Tambun Tulang assemblyman, said the Malaysian Communications and Multimedia Commission (MCMC), the Malaysian Islamic Development Department and the National Fatwa Council should act against the holder of the Facebook account. — Bernama

Sourced: http://www.themalaysianinsider.com/

What a sianz to know this..

Recently, there's this news of banning Facebook in Malaysia.
I knew that someone would eventually come out with such statement.
Some people are just afraid cos of the bad publicity spread in Facebook

(Lucky) Even if it's true, still they can't ban blogs.
If you ban blog, you need to block internet..

P/s: Imagine, if we do not have internet...>.< Siao ka?


Friday, December 3, 2010


Try this!Google translate can beat-box =]Google Translate:"pv zkbschk pv zk pv bschk zk pv zk bschk pv zk pv bschk zk bschk pv bschk bschk pv kkkkkkkkkk bschk"select "German" to "German"click "listen"enjoy :) Thank to NengNeng for sharing.. XD

O/R click here:-


 P/s: Don't ask me who is Nengneng. xD


Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Blogger now!

Oh Yeah! here.. Pheozon is in the Blogger now!
Just get started.. Be ready.. and stay turn..
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